Of Forests, Mountains and Impermanence

Art by Sonja Kanno

Sonja Kanno is a German Painter, Ceramist & Media Artist, living and working in Tokyo, Japan.

Kanno’s work is deeply inspired by the transitoriness of nature, such as the transforming shapes of mountains and valleys over time - of impermanence and entropy...




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Elevate your home, office, or event space with a unique art piece. From abstract paintings and ceramic pieces to installation and new media art, commissioning a custom work will add a distinctive touch.


Private Art Classes & Coaching Sessions

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, a private art class or coaching session can help you unlock your full creative potential.


Guided Intuitive Painting Sessions

Unleash your creativity with intuitive painting, inspired by Japanese nature. In this workshop, we practice Indoor Forest Bathing with the help of sound baths and aromatherapy. Let the sounds and fragrances guide you on a new creative journey.


Sonja Kanno’s art is deeply influenced by the ancient Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, which is rooted in Zen Buddhism. Wabi-sabi sees beauty in the humble and simple (wabi), in imperfections, spontaneous irregularities, the rustic and weathered (sabi), and in the impermanent nature of life: the fleeting moment, the changes in nature through the seasons, the natural cycle of growth and decay.
